Take a Chance

Join our French Immersion blog! The focus is to bring our classroom into your home!


Les paniers de mai (May Baskets)


L’art de TED HARRISON le jour de la Planète Terre







La symmétrie radial 3D



HOME LEARNING – January 17-21, 2022

These are just some ideas…creativity is limitless and has no boundaries! Enjoy creating anything your heart desires, chose one of the projects below, or use art books to inspire you.

















HOME LEARNING – January 11-14, 2022

#1 – Art – décore la couverture de ton nouveau cahier (decorate the cover of your new blank notebook)

In your learning pack, you have a new notebook that has been covered up by a white page. This is a space for you to do your work in if you choose to. Everything you work on while at home, can be done in here. You can also continue using another way to organize your work that works for you – this is simply an option you can use if you want to.

This week, take some time to get creative and decorate the cover (just the front or the front and back) so that it represents YOU!! There’s no rules! You can draw a scene, draw different things that represents what you enjoy, doodle creatively…ANYTHING! 🙂 Please take a picture and share your work so we can see your beautiful and artistic work!







Cool Ideas About Making Puppets

A few different ideas to make a paper pinwheel:

Moon Dough

Pour ceux qui aiment faire de la boue visqueuse vont surement aimer faire du “moon dough”. Tu as besoins de 2 tasses de  fécule de maïs et 1 tasse d’ après-shampooing.


Art Museum

Have you ever wanted to visit an Art Museum? Here is your chance. Click on the link that will take you to an article that will provide you with links to visit 10 different art museums around the world.

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