Take a Chance

Join our French Immersion blog! The focus is to bring our classroom into your home!

WEEK 7 – May 25-29, 2020

Here are a couple of new French songs that you can listen to. You can always go back and listen to the songs from the weeks gone by.

Here are a couple of French stories to listen to:

Utilise le lien ci-dessous pour jouer un jeu sur ‘’l’ordre alphabétique’’des mots! https://micetf.fr/ruche-mots/

Utilise les mots francais de ton choix et pratique-les en utilisant les façons suivantes:

Writing – Here are a few writing ideas for this week. 

You can choose one to work on throughout the week or a different one each day. If you want to go back to last week’s ideas, please do so. Don’t forget to make sure that you use capital letters and punctuation where they belong. Think about who will enjoy (or learn from) reading your writing after you are finished. 

  • En utilisant le guide alimentaire, planifie une journée de repas sains (déjeuner, diner, collation, souper).  Écrit une liste de tous les ingrédients que tu as besoin. 
  • Créer trois recettes avec des ingrédients que tu peux trouver dans le guide alimentaire. (A recipe card can be found with attachments below to help guide your writing). 
  • Tu es chef dans un restaurent bien connu.  Invente une histoire de ce qui s’est passée quand une personne vedette est venu manger dans ton restaurent.  
  • Créer un nouveau mot croisé en utilisant les mots des aliments qu’il y a sur la feuille du guide alimentaire. 
  • Répond aux questions de la lecture (en haut) écrit ta réponse en français. 
  • Écrit unfin différente que tu aurais préféré de ton livre. 
  • D’écrit qu’est-ce qui se passe avec les graines que tu as plantées. 


At the grocery store …


  1. Make a shopping list. Place checks or tallies next to each item to indicate the number needed (this will help you with your collection of data).
  2. How much milk or juice do you think you will need for a week. Use estimations to help you decide how much of everything you might need. You might decide to estimate using cups or liters or other measurement tools. See how they compare to each other.
  3. Using flyers, find the grocery items that you have on your list. Cut out the items from the flyers and estimate how much your grocery will cost you if you buy all the items you have cut out.
  4. You can practice your mental math by estimating how much one item might cost if you must buy more than one.


Create a gratitude journal. Try to write three things each day that you are thankful for. Use pictures, words, or both.

Go outside and lay quietly on the grass and look at the sky. What do you notice? Do this at different times of the day, what is the same, what is different?
Tell each person in your family one thing that you really like about them. You can tell them with words or write a little note.



Explore the Canada’s Food
Guide online (or copy at the
end of this document). What
are some foods that you
have tried, what are some
foods you would like to try?




Check out one of these videos to learn more about the food guide suggestions.


Plan and prepare a meal for your family this week. How have you used the New Canada’s Food Guide to help you plan your meal?  

Collect rocks and paint them with inspirational pictures or messages. Leave these messages around your community to brighten someone’s day. Thanks to Rylynn for sharing her examples. 😊

Make a card to express gratitude for someone working as an essential worker right now.  

Why not create art that you can eat. Using food items create an art piece. Don’t forget to take a picture before you eat it!

Check out the English Language Arts tab for learning activity ideas for the next few weeks.

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